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Solving the problems in todays world

It’s a problem, but it’s one we can do something about.

The issue with plastic products

Plastic pollution is one of the greatest threats to ocean health. But there are many solutions to solving plastic pollution that you and your loved ones can participate today. In this article, we cover the basic facts about ocean plastic pollution and provide specific plastic solutions that everyone can take a part in.

Where does all this plastic waste come from?

Every minute a whole garbage truck worth of plastic ends up in our ocean every minute (or enough plastic to fill a football stadium every day). The consequences for sealife are tragic, from choking dolphins to poisoning whales. Clearly, the main solution is reducing the amount of plastic we use at the source. It is estimated by 2050, humans will have manufactured 50 billion tons worth of plastic. Most of the plastics manufactured by humans would be used a single time before being discarded. With the trajectory, there could be more pieces of plastic than fish in the sea.

Facts about marine and ocean pollution | Source: EcoWatch

One of the main reasons that plastic pollution is such a problem is that it does not go away “plastics are forever”. Instead, plastic debris simply breaks down into even smaller particles known as ‘micro plastics’, whose environmental impacts are still being determined. It is estimated, a million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals die annually because of plastic waste. How does this affect us? When marine animals consume plastic, the toxins it contains breaks down inside their bodies. So when us humans eat seafood, we’re consuming these, too. 

The “good” news is that this is a problem that can be solved.

It starts with us. Everyone can do something to help solve the plastic pollution problem, and millions of people worldwide are already taking action to reduce their plastic use. Here are several ways that could make a difference, starting today.

1. Reduce your use of single use plastics

The easiest and most direct way that you can get started is by reducing your own use of single-use plastics or using products that contain no plastic at all. In the UK alone, they use over 35 million plastic bottles everyday! Carrying a reusable bottle is a great way to cut plastics. Other ways include refusing any single use plastics (such as plastic bags, plastic straws, plastic cups etc) and using reusable versions of those products. Ideally purchase a product that contains zero plastic

2. Recycle Property

More than 40% of all plastic made is packaging, which is used only once or twice before being thrown away. At present 9% of plastic waste generated is recycled worldwide and the rest ends up in marine waters such as rivers and oceans (and according to experts it will remain there for hundreds of years) Recycling properly can keep a lot of plastics out of the waste stream. It helps keep plastics out of the ocean and reduces ‘new’ plastic in circulation. Ideally, always avoid products that contain plastic packaging.

3. Spread the word!

Understanding the bigger picture can deepen your resolve when it comes to making a personal change. The more people are aware of what plastic pollution is causing, the more likely they will take small steps towards a better world. Tell your friends and family and how they can be a part of the solution. Share this post via social media and inform the people around you as well as your community about the lasting impact on single-use plastic. Encourage them to take the commitment against plastic so that we can all live on a better and cleaner planet. 

Video: Why we need to stop plastic pollution | Oceana


The one and only way to truly solve this issue is to dramatically reduce the production of plastic, which means curbing our lifestyle from it. 'The most important thing we must do is stop plastic from getting into the ocean in the first place, because it is not feasible or cost-effective to do large-scale cleanups,' says Lau from China Dialog Ocean. “Once in the ocean, plastic waste will stay there for hundreds of years or longer. That is not a legacy I would want to leave for future generations.”

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